Archive for April, 2016

Adepticon: Battle of Arsuf

The iconic Battle of Arsuf almost did not happen this year at Adepticon.  I had a bit of an incident moving the armies into the hall.


Imagine this times four!  Took every minute I had before the game started to just get the figures back on their trays.

Despite the setback, we had a wonderful game with 7 players.  Bucking the trend from prior games, the Arab players pulled out a victory this year by taking the action to the Norman players.  King Richard was kept busy while the Saracens sent the Hospitallers packing.

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Event documents:

Arsuf Objectives Adepticon 2016 – Battle of Arsuf


Adepticon: Battle of Kursk

We had very grand plans for Kursk in Bolt Action:  8 players, 8000 points per team, a 12×6 table with custom terrain.  Then 3 players and most of the German figures failed to show up.  We soldiered on with 5 players and 4000 points per team.  The game lasted five turns until a misplaced artillery barrage mangled much of the German assault on the Russian hill top.  Over all, the 8000 points and 70 some units was too much for the Bolt Action rule set, even with a team based dice draw system.  I think will try it again next year, after all – what else will we do with 2 dozen T-34s 🙂

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